News from Steve Thompson - tonight!
If you can’t make it to the event in Saltburn Thurs 3rd March you should still me able to enjoy it online. I say “should” because this is experimental. At there is a tweetstream with the hashtag #tvcmanim11 – a chat stream, a live stream and a “blogcast” releasing each film at the same time as the audience sees it.

Films will appear here at the same time as they are being shown in the Theatre. Refresh (or reload) this page to see new content. For details of timings of screenings see The Schedule


This site will stream live action from the Animex (Fringe) 2011 event  in Saltburn as well as “blogcasting” all the films at the same time as they are screened in Saltburn Community Theatre. Click here to see the schedule of screenings. There is also a chat stream and twiter feed to the right and left of this blog.