Hi Dougald, David, Hannah, Mamading, and Leon.

We have progress on the community confluence critical mass collaboration idea http://dadamac.posterous.com/brixvill-confluence-pop-ups-and-safe-smiling.

Hannah and I met at #Brixvill on Thursday.


  • Meet each other (achieved).
  • See if we have some kind of shared vision for the #Brixvill community confluence idea (achieved–and yes we do).
  • To see if there are any practical next steps we can take that are win-win (achieved–we have different ideas why we want this to work, but we'd both like it to happen and are willing to go ahead with the first steps together to see what happens).
  • Agree the next step–or several steps (achieved–watch this space for further details).

In addition to those objectives:

  • Hannah and I started to agree on roles and how we might work together in practice
  • We included Mamading in our conversation for a while as he happened to come along and already knows Hannah, me and the confluence wiki. It was very useful to check some ideas and facts with him from the technical side.

Extra bonus of meeting in Brixvill

  • Some delicious home-made drinks–a bit like smoothies. One was a kind of honey and vanilla flavour and the other was strawberry–real strawberry. So delicious that, although it was really only sold by the cupful I managed to bring some of each home with me. 
  • A chance to buy more pineapple relish and mango chutney at Cornercopia.
  • Nearly joined in a Japanese tea ceremony - but we talked too long and missed the last one. Another time I hope.

Hannah plans to write this up on the confluence wiki.