Co-writing for the Coalition blog December 1, 2010
Coalition for example - email sent today copied below includes:
Getting in this game
requires merging global
thoughts with local deeds.
Dadamac for example, published today:
The theme was “Dadamac goes Glocal” - how what we do locally and online ties in with the wider global picture.
Dadamac Digest November 2010
We started November by celebrating our sixth anniversary on “Dadamac Day” in usual Dadamac Community style – bringing people together from our geographically scattered online community and our local community at Fantsuam.
The theme was “Dadamac goes Glocal” - how what we do locally and online ties in with the wider global picture. We've got a fairly clear picture in our minds - but there are so many different things linked together that it is hard to explain. First we need to sum up what we do - “Dadamac - Integrating Education and Development in Africa and Online”. (more)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: paul horan <>
Date: 1 December 2010 05:30
Subject: Re: <Coalition> Co-writing for the Coalition blog
Stymie Entropy's
my name. Lisbeth Salander's
my great, great Grandma*.
I serve as paul's muse,
7 generations in
your current future.
Enough about me,
'cause you folks have got to start
having much more FUN!
Most seriously,
evolving through your crises
requires real FUN.
FUN's an acronym:
"Free Universal Neurons"!
Everyone's got one ...
Let's liberate them;
circulate, multiply them
Taking ourselves
too seriously's a cost
we just can't afford.
All of us, despite
contrary appearances,
are on the same team.
Humanity's a
global, geophysical
force (as per Wilson : )
Getting in this game
requires merging global
thoughts with local deeds.
This real game's afoot ...
we win this human race when
we're just here AND now.
Paying attention
with head, heart and hands frees us
to have real, live FUN!
life, as a gift, is a gift ...
Open your presence!
*Sonchai Jitpleecheep's
my great, great Grandpa; as is
Jia Junpeng along
with Prabakar, too.
Y. T. & Cerrita Beane
are my great Grandmas.
Lisbeth Salander =
Sonchai Jitpleecheep =
Jia Junpeng =
Prabakar Kishan Kharre =
Y. T. =
Cerrita Beane =
(Howdy Folks,
FWIW, I just attempted to transmit the above via the etherpad as linked on this email strand. Not sure if my attempt succeeded, so if anyone feels inclined to coach me on how to employ etherpad or simply to cut & paste my initial contribution, let's just do it. {after clicking on "share this pad", I get "Paste link over email or IM:
or send an email invitation..."}
Sorry to learn you're feeling a tad "under the weather", Mark. Take care of your bold, clear Self & get well soon.
Ciao for now,
P. S. = kindly let me know if you find the 17 syllable chunks troublesome; that's just how Stymie & I converse ... it's totally modifiable as needed : )
Posted to Dadamac's Posterous by Pamela McLean
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Dadamac - "We introduce people to each other (mostly UK-Nigeria) and help them do useful stuff. How can we help you?"