I have just discovered Cofacio - the help engine - http://cofacio.com/

It says:
Got 5 minutes? Come on then, give help, get help and support great charity causes. Cofacio x You = Help² (more)

Looks like a great idea. Trouble is - I need help in explaining what help I need.

Anyone out there good with words who feels like helping me?

Posted to  Dadamac's Posterous by Pamela McLean

Replies  - You can respond publicly by posting a comment on Dadamac's posterous or privately by emailing me .
Email -  pamela.mclean@dadamac.net
Twitter -  @Pamela_McLean and #dadamac

Website - http://www.dadamac.net

- "We introduce people to each other (mostly UK-Nigeria) and help them do useful stuff. How can we help you?"