Hi Global Villagers and Dadamac's posterous readers

I think some of you already know about second Coalition Movement Camp online today 7-11pm GMT - more details below.

I mention it to Global Villagers having just read Franz' email saying "The idea of videobridging is not dead, and we might also recover ;-) - and even find new allies !"

I see huge overlap between Global Villages and Movement Camp (which in turn is part of Coalition of The Willing) - So I think people in global villages might be interested in attending today's event, or in knowing what is going on (there are likely to be more Movement Camps in future).

From a technology point of view, I see big overlap between Movement Camp and video-bridging. From a content point of view I also see lots of overlap - we are all looking at new approaches to more sustainable futures etc achieved through greater collaboration and sharing of ideas and experience.


The announcement below can be read in full at  http://cotw.cc/wiki/Coalition_of_the_Willing


The second Coalition Movement Camp is on this Sunday, 14 November, online. You're welcome to join us.

That's 14 November, 7-11pm GMT. See start time in cities around the world.

Join us then on the Movement Camp start page.

Read about the theme: Connecting the Dots

Announcement continues at at  http://cotw.cc/wiki/Coalition_of_the_Willing


(Franz's email - attachments not included)
On 12 November 2010 12:39, Franz Nahrada <f.nahrada@reflex.at> wrote:

Dear all,
here is another successful outcome of our January workshop:  The 3-LENSUS seminar with 24 participants on November the 4t.

Marina was physically in Thessaloniki, I participated via Skype - Videobridge.

please look at the attached fille to see three equally interesting projects presented - and I think it will sparl your imagination ....

The idea of videobridging is not dead, and we might also recover ;-) - and even find new allies !

excuse me for the long silence!! Tons of immediate survival issues (hotel!) here, plus daring attempts to break out of inertia on too many frontlines. There is very very much in the loop, very much to tell - so be ready for some globalvillages news, actions and projects soon !!

Please note two dates:

GIVE GENERAL ASSEMBLY - December 15th  5 pm Hotel Karolinenhof Vienna
and (tentative, not confirmed yet)

all the best

Franz Nahrada
GIVE Reserach Association
Laboratory for Global Villages
& Global Villages Network
@ Hotel Karolinenhof
Jedleseer Strasse 75
1210 Wien
Tel +431 2787801