Hi PRADSA people

Thanks are due - so I am making them on behalf of all beneficiaries. Please forgive sketchy details. People involved will know the details, and as I am just on the edge of this conversation I would have to dig deep into archives to find them.

The main points:

  • A post to PRADSA about some surplus equipment
  • A Dadamac style introduction linking PRADSA person to Frances at Fantsuam Foundation (FF) Leeds office
  • Follow up between key people - I don't know the details
  • A recent passing reference to printers at a Dadamac UK-Nigeria weekly online meeting
  • Newly arrived printers now installed in the FF academy
This is much bigger news than you probably realise - as this File-print blog from Cicely (with great photos) explains
Cicely has now ended her VSO placement and sent a wonderful photo-full blog of farewell parties - how they are done in Nigeria

Many thanks to all involved - and if anyone else wants to support FF please let me know. I help them through http://www.dadamac.net/foundation
