for context see

Finance and funding

Local - Kazanka Comfort will cover this - because she is general secretary of Fantsuam Foundation Micro-Finance.
KRC - does KRC have any funding yet or is it one of John's projects still in search of support?

Global aspect - External funding - any ideas - any relevant intiatives etc

  • Online giving via Dadamac Foundation - if we can find anyone to give
  • Online fudnraising organisations - Global Giving, Kickstart, Buzzbank. Kiva etc - facts and issues relating
  • Discussions and ideas from friends and contacts
    • ref to Nick Byrne input to Movemetn Camp skype chat archive between [01/11/2010 11:11:26am] and 12.05
    • ref Suresh
    • ref Pie Finance model (or is that only UK?)
    • ref pcinic on the patio model - needs writing up

See if I can get back to Nick and Suresh before DDay