Thanks everyone who attended today and made it such an interesting session, and my usual thanks to Andrius for making the Minciu Sodas worknets chatroom available to us.

I think we have reached a breakthrough point now. We have a small group of new tweeters who are friends with each other on twitter, are following each other, and helping each other to explore the features and benefits of twitter. 

Sasha, Andy and Kezia sent apologies.

 Zoneziwoh, from Cameroon, arrived first; then from Nigeria John (I), Chollom, Kelechi and Asea  (from Fantsuam) joined us and Popoola (from Ago-Are). Fred (from Uganda) dropped in to greet us briefly at the end, so we had a good group - but small enough to be driven by the interests of individuals and to share what we knew in an informal way but useful way.

I have published the archive of our chat. As well as being in the chat room we were also trying out different features of twitter as we chatted. If you tweet you can find us by searching #dadamac
