I have just discovered the discovery network - "A new kind of economical entity. An alternative to classical corporations and to cooperatives. We need to transcend the socialism/capitalism dichotomy!"

Here is a taster from the home page - plus a comment I wrote.


A Discovery Network (DN) is an organic, open, network-type organization that can include commercial, academic, governmental and independent entities, collaborating together and coordinating their efforts to enrich society with new material goods and services, and extracting some value from doing so. The DN is mainly a knowledge and a logistical organization, it processes information and knowledge, plans, and coordinates. It is organized around the DN core, who's ultimate goal is to create and to maintain a generative environment, where synergistic relations between its members are nourished, leading to new ideas and their applications.

In a few words

A DN is an organizations that YOU build, starting with to the blueprint and guides given here. Like a corporation, the main function of the DN is to provide solutions to problems, which also includes bringing new products to the market. But there are profound differences between the two. The DN is an alternative to a corporation. Is is built on entirely different values and it is governed by entirely different principles. Moreover, we believe that the DN is better adapted to the new reality, incorporating very well the new possibilities, the new tools offered by the new technology. The corporation is an outdated form of organization, a medieval concept. It proved to be the most economically efficient in modern times, among other forms of organizations with the same purpose, notably the cooperative, a concept made popular by the socialist/communist ideology. But the economical viability of corporations in the pre-Internet world came at the expense of local communities, the civil society and the environment. Nowadays, in the Internet era, in parallel with a tremendous loss in popularity among the younger generations, the corporation also seams to be totally out of pace with the new reality. This is precisely why (more at https://sites.google.com/site/multitudeinnovation/home/discovery-network)

I commented:

I have not been able to read this in detail - but what I have read gives me the impression that we are very much of one mind.

I haven't expressed my thinking in detail anywhere - but some evidence of overlap is here:

I think I found this site through OpenKollab or coalition. Maybe we could follow on about this there.
Posted to  Dadamac's Posterous by Pamela McLean

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- "We introduce people to each other (mostly UK-Nigeria) and help them do useful stuff. How can we help you?"