Hi Elfneh and All

Elfneh. Great to hear from you.

I like the new website www.aheadcharity.org

All - Elfneh is in one of the photos - look out for three blue "Ahead" tee-shirts and one black one - Elfneh is on the LHS (wearing the black tee-shirt). I am a great fan of his work, which is driven by his local involvement, and I encourage you to see what he is doing.

Elfheh - Let's do a real catchup some time - is that possible? What shall we do? Phone call or a genuine meeting somewhere?

You can get a flavour of what we are doing at present via www.dadamac.net and http://dadamac.posterous.com/ However, more significantly  there is also a lot going on "here and there" which I think point to wider trends which are significant for the kind of work you and I do (and try to do). I don't have time to write it all up, but I would really like to discuss it with you. I think some of it is quite encouraging - I don't think we are "quite so much alone" as it can often seem.

The following list is a memory joggers for me of the kind of things I hope we will cover when we talk - some of it may not mean much to you until after we catch up.

  • General catch-up
  • Educational elements
  • Health, welfare and development (sickle cell?)
  • Other elements overlapping Dadamac's streams
  • Glocal issues
  • Web 2.0 issues (peer -to-peer not top down) - not supplicants - development collaborators with local expertise
  • Coalition of the willing relevance - ref content, community and tech.
  • The bigger picture - systemic shifts
  • Funding trends - the glass wall/closed patio doors/pic-nic on the patio approach.
  • Crowd sourcing opportunities - Buzz-bank
  • Non-formal education (or stuff) and its relationship to formal education - KRC updates and relevance to Ahead
Looking forward to the catch-up and mutual encouragement


Posted to  Dadamac's Posterous by Pamela McLean

Replies  - You can respond publicly by posting a comment on Dadamac's posterous or privately by emailing me .
Email -  pamela.mclean@dadamac.net
Twitter -  @Pamela_McLean and #dadamac

Website - http://www.dadamac.net

- "We introduce people to each other (mostly UK-Nigeria) and help them do useful stuff. How can we help you?"