Hi Jen (and readers of my open letters at http://dadamac.posterous.com, and dadamac learners reading at  http://dadamaclearnersgroup.posterous.com )

Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you found the links useful. 

You asked if there are any overwhelming crop issues (e.g.crop pests, invasive plants etc.) I can think of that have sprung up in Attachab.

I wonder how soon you need the answer. We can get any information you want - if there is sufficient motivation for the people to give it.  What first springs to mind - as readily available information -  is in the conversation the Dadamac team had about climate change at one of our recent weekly online meetings. The black-eyed bean crop has failed due to excessive rains. John is interested in getting the team more involved in documenting climate change and its local effect on crops:

Now for a practical communications issue, Jen, which I hope you will find useful. I am posting this email out through the dadamac learners posterous, and I will add you to the group of dadamac learners who have permission to post here . Then you will always have a choice when you send me emails. If you want them to be private then send them to me in the usual way . If on the other hand you are happy to share what is going on as an "open letter" then please post it openly by emailing it to dadamaclearnersgroup@posterous.com

I think your email will also arrive in my inbox as I am a member of the group. We will find out exactly how it works as we go along (I am new to using posterous with other contributors, instead of just on my own).

Let me know if you want me to add something to the weekly agenda for you - if time allows - just for people to give quick immediate feedback on anything they know anecdotally or from personal experience.

I look forward to hearing how your meeting goes.
