This is beautiful.

I recognise and echo so much of what is said below, and I appreciate that someone has expressed this so well (so I don't have to try to any more).

My situation is a bit odd, because I have to do my work through online collaborations so I have been working "here" (in cyberspace) for much of my time since 2000.

I realise what is written below may seem strange and almost sci-fi to people who make use of the internet but are not immersed in its cultural norms. I just know that after over ten years of working in cyberspace, I recognise much of what is said here as my daily reality. It is really quite a challenge to live simultaneously in two parallel cultures - one being the established reality of "life as we know it" (in the material world) and the other being a culture that is totally unfamiliar to many people and is described so accurately in:
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

This is already a reality in many ways - visit the future here and be hopeful and encouraged