I know Zoneziwoh through Minciu Sodas, LearningFromEachOther and First Thursdays

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: zoneziwoh <ziwoh@yahoo.com.au>

Good day, I hope this email finds you well. I wish to share with you one of my most recent event - MAKE MAMA VISIBLE, an honorary walk race to bring aging mothers in the rural villages of Cameroon to the spotlight as athletes and entertainers - while highlighting the value of motherhood.

On Sunday, August 26th, for the first time in the history of Cameroon, women age 75 and above shall take part in a Fast Walk Race in Bafanji village, Northwest Region of Cameroon.

The idea of this public walk is to create space for aged mama to become visible; change the sport dynamics allowing possibilities for age people to entertain the young and vice-versa and as well as to make age mothers living in the rural regions to feel honored,valued, and confident and not to think their age as a barrier to be happy.

How you can help to bring Visibility to this Event:

1) Share all MMV mgs online/offline through your local/global network space

2) write about MMV in your journal, newspaper, magazine...

3) report/ broadcast about MMV in audio/video on your radio/Tv channels

4) be there on August 26th to have a Live coverage of the event; and capture participants story for change.

we need your Help in Bringing Visibility to this Event!!!!!


MMV Coordinator

Coordinator  :      Women Under 30

Email:                 zoneziwoh@gmail.com

Blog:                   http://zofem.blogspot.com/

Website            http://www.zoneziwohshow.com

Meritocracy, my principle
Never Regret what makes you Happy