Pedagogical Integration of ICT: Successes and Challenges from 87 African Schools

Conclusions from Pedagogical Integration of ICT: Successes and Challenges from 87 African Schools

Analysis of the data collected by the 12 national research teams reveals a multitude of uses of ICT in the nearly 120 African schools participating in the project. These uses vary from initiation of learners to the fundamentals of computing, to the creation of elaborate projects involving learner-created websites, videos, field research and experimentation content.

The types of ICT uses found in PanAf Phase I data can be grouped as follows:

  1. Use as the subject of learning;
  2. Use as the means of learning;
  3. Other uses.

As noted in other ICT4ED projects in African schools with support from IDRC (for example the “Pioneer Schools” project), Phase I data shows that the majority of the uses of ICT fall into the first of the groupings above, while very few fall into the second (use of ICT to teach subjects other than computing itself) while current literature argues that the latter is where usage should be concentrated.

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