An impressive "digital collage" of ideas and facts, words, photos and video - various voices  - well worth a look - demographics page (

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From: Lagun Akinloye <>
Date: 15 September 2011 14:08
Subject: The Demographics Special- Population Matters - Africa 2050

Dear friends,

The change in demographics on the continent is one of immense importance due to the various reasons that lay behind it, such a change such as global warming, democracy, family planning & food security. Think Africa Press has created a Demographic special in which articles and writings from world renowned writers, academics and scholars are challenging the issues of change in Africa, head on. 

Please have a look at our demographics page(

Once again, all comments and views are highly appreciated and please be encouraged to pass it on between our writing and media fraternity. Because collectively, a combined voice for Africa becomes to loud to be ignored.

Kindest regards,