I have copied the item below, and encourage you to explore their site: http://climateprogress.org
January 22, 2011

And what can ClimateProgress do to help?

Many readers tell me of their interest in creating a genuine sustainable grassroots movement — with teeth.  That’s not an easy thing, obviously, and would require  a tremendous collective effort.  But I think a higher fraction of climate hawks read CP than any other blog, and, as Hillel said :

“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And when I am for myself, what am ‘I’? And if not now, when?”

[Strangely, I don't think this made the  incredible list of favorite quotes from last week's Open Thread.]

UPDATE:  In the comments section, Eban Goodstein reposts his Grist piece, “Time for Clean Energy Party?”

ClimateProgress is going to increase its content and presence on the web this year,  including a Facebook strategy.  So I welcome comments on  how we can all work together to create a grassroots movement, and what CP in particular might do.