To Peter Burgess  Chris Watkins and readers of my open letters at

Hi Peter - Long time. How are you and how is your work on True Value Metrics?

Open letter readers - True Value Metrics (TVM) is a system of socio-economic measurement that combines some of the rigor of accountancy with some of the concepts of other disciplines including economics, sociology and engineering.

Peter I have just been reading Chris's thoughts that "
AS A climate activist I WANT to know exactly what my government is  spending money on .....' , and I thought of you, and added a suitable note where the discussion was taking place. See below.

Chris - Maybe you and Peter would like to link up as things move forward.

This was written by Chris Watkins: as part of work in progress by Coalition of the Willing - it is taken from an etherpad discussion.

Chris "AS A climate activist I WANT to know exactly what my government is  spending money on SO THAT my organization can highlight funding  distortions due to vested interests or just old-style-thinking, so we  can then put pressure on the right point." Expanded version: A climate  activist in Australia is working on a campaign to promote major funding  for R&D of sustainable technology. They learn through the Green Knowledge Trust  that their government spends 11 times as much subsidizing fossil fuel  industry and fuel people as it does supporting renewable energy. Working  with their existing team (including like-minded people they found  through Prom  to use the sources and analysis from the GKT articles in their press  releases and campaigns. They also use the GKT pages (modified as needed,  under the open license)  in their own newsletters and press releases, helping them to publish  better work, more quickly. The meme spreads (and more journalists and  more citizens check out the GKT articles to confirm the facts) and the  government is embarrassed by the publicity, and can no longer hide the  reality of their actions." 

Pamela "This happens in collaboration with Peter Burgess and his TRACNet work - relating to transparency in accounting "