Michael Maranda and Pamela McLean - video conversation ref Coalition of the Willing October 9, 2010
Michael Maranda and I had a video conversation about Coalition of the Willing on skype (lasts 13+ minutes, and there is a little lag in the audio - so it's best to just listen). Below the video link is a list of references.
Here is some additional background information to things we mentioned:
- Before our conversation I re-watched the 15 minute video Coalition of the Willing in preparation for an online event tomorrow that Michael is preparing for - announced here - October 4, 2010 - [OSN] MovementCamp --- Coalition Movement Camp - 10-10-10 Work Party.
- On October 10, 2010 Coalition of the Willing launches the second phase of the project: the Coalition Movement Camp 10/10/10 Work Party -- the first 24 hour flash mob development party for the environmental movement Coalition Movement Camp site will go live at 2pm GMT October 10, 2010 at http://movementcamp.org.
- I referred to a blog about street lamps - it relates to how technologies that have been developed in "developed countries" are not always the best solutions for the future, and how people in "developed countries" could usefully collaborate with people in "developing countries" to try other solutions http://www.dadamac.net/blog/20091015/pam-we-want-street-lights
- More on the same theme - involving people at the grass roots in development July 12, 2010 - Ref - Development 2.0: New ICT-Enabled Development Models and Impact
- I referred to the three-legged stool model of ICT4D (I emphasised communication and communities to Michael - but the other two "legs" - Information and Technology - are equally important) - more about that model - July 11, 2010 - Dadamac and ICT4Development
- We talked about wiki environments in general and Appropedia in particular. We discussed ease-of-use issues and agreed that wiki's have great features and benefits, but it may be necessary to have some kind of additional interface to help people access the information in them. This blog demonstrates the situation in Nigeria and the need to reach out to people who can't easily. access a wiki. It includes the story of a teacher who had attended one of my Teachers Talking courses and how she wanted to use the Internet to get information about ginger (for this story start at paragraph 6) http://learnbydoinguk.blogspot.com/2008/11/ginger-farmers-and-teachers-talking-tt.html
- Michael mentioned a dance video - at first I though he meant a different one (where one person starts dancing, alone at first, and how others join in) then I realised it was this one http://www.digitalexcellence.net/2010/10/accelerate-innovation-and-the-movement-locally-globally/
- We spoke about Ago-Are and Peter Adetunji Oyawale - From the UK it used to seem that someone going to Peter's home, Ago-Are, had "fallen off the end to the world - as we know it". Once someone left London the chance of further communication was small - and once they had passed through the Oyo state capital, Ibadan there was absolutely no more chance of access to faxes, phones or Internet. Now it is possible to connect by phone from Ago-Are itself. In this post my friend Fola updates us about connectivity in Ago-Are. May 8, 2010 - [teaching in the rurals] internet connectivity get more popular
Michael and I look forward to continuing our conversation. I hope our conversations will lead to more collaborative action between people who are "bandwidth rich" and my contacts in Africa.
Pamela McLean - http://www.dadamac.net/about/pam
Dadamac - "We introduce people to each other (mostly UK-Nigeria) and help them do useful stuff."
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