OER October 30, 2010
(Posted here for easy reference in case Knowledge Resource Centre is interested later)
From: Bakary Diallo <bdiallo@avu.org>
Date: 26 October 2010 15:29
Subject: Re: [OER] The BIG Shift: From open resources to open practices
To: Open Educational Resources - an online discussion forum <oer-forum@lists.esn.org.za>
Hello Ulf,
I hope that you are doing well.
I am writing to provide some practical answer to your email about using OERs, reusing them, sharing the modified ones, and son on.
We have indeed good news coming from Africa regarding your question. The African Virtual University www.avu.org , in partnership with the African Development Bank and 10 African countries have developed 73 modules of Maths, Physics, Chemistry, biology, Teacher Education Professional courses, and ICT in education. See sample modules at http://www.avu.org/The-AVU-OER-Repository/oer-avu-repository.html
The 73 modules are structured as 4 Bachelor of Education in Math and Sciences. They are now offered as degree, diploma and certificate programs at participating universities http://www.avu.org/Consortium-Programs/consortium-programs.html and as AVU own programs http://www.avu.org/Certificate/Diploma/certificate-diploma.htm
A collaborative approach was used to develop the modules; the authors of the modules as well as peer reviewers were selected from 12 universities in the participating 10 countries. Open content resources were used to enrich the existing programs of the participating universities, all modules are now published using a creative commons incense, meaning that they can be used, modified, and the modified one can be submitted to AVU for further sharing.
More information can be found on the policy, design and development, pilot phase, quality assurance, formation of the teacher education virtual consortium http://www.avu.org/Teacher-Education-Programme/teacher-education-programme.html
The modules are available in 3 languages, French, English and Portuguese, which make it a total of 219 modules. We will be able to share the modules with all Africans and actually anyone around the world once we launch OER@AVU Online repository.
Finally, you can view my keynote speech on this, during the MIT Linc Conference in Boston earlier this year http://www.avu.org/News/avu-rector-makes-keynote-address-at-the-mit-linc-conference.html
Best regards,
Bakary Diallo, Ph.D
Rector/ Recteur
African Virtual University/Université Virtuelle Africaine
Email: bdiallo@avu.org
-----Original Message-----
From: Ulf-Daniel Ehlers [mailto:ulf.ehlers@googlemail.com]
Sent: 20 October 2010 10:31
To: oer-forum@lists.esn.org.za
Dear colleagues,
I am delighted about this option to open this new week of discussion.
I am involved in several OER projects or initiatives and feel myself to be a
strong promoter of the movement.
Amongst them is one called the "Open educational Quality Initiative"
(www.oer-quality.org ) in which we, together with UNESCO and other partners,
work towards bringing quality on the agenda of OER initiatives.
We have done a collection of over 60 case studies of OER organisations and
practices and you can see them here:
Not many Africans, though - so please feel free to add yours, or send it to
me directly, I will take care it gets recognized there.
However, I am thinking strongly that access is not the real issue with OERs
but the practice of actually using them, reusing them, sharing the modified
ones, andsonon. And the question how do we make sure that using OOER is not
just reproducing the same learning, training and education philosophy which
we are using for closed and "traditional " learning materials. In other
words - how to become an "open practictioner" to innovate and improve
quality. This is "the BIG Shift" I would like to stimulate a debate about
this week.
I have attached my message to this email and look very much forward to
discuss with you on this issue.
My best wishes for a great week of debate!
Ulf Ehlers
PS: Thanks already to everybody working behind the lines to make this happen
- and to all your great comments!
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