---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Pamela McLean <pamela.mclean@dadamac.net>
Date: 2 November 2010 22:36
Subject: Re: [OER] What to do with students after negative experience of OER?
To: Open Educational Resources - an online discussion forum <oer-forum@lists.esn.org.za>

You may be interested in this keynote given by Professor Josie Taylor

RIDE 2010 Keynote: Open Educational Resources and Learning Spaces: research questions

  1. Open Educational Resources and Learning Spaces Josie Taylor, Professor of Learning Technology, Director, Institute of Educational Technology The Open University
  2. The Open University, UK
    Higher education needs to prepare itself to exist in a more open future by embracing openness and the implications for change that it entails
    These changes are likely to be profound
    However, we don’t yet fully understand what they are, or what the impact on organisations or students is likely to be
  3. OpenLearn at The Open University
    2006 – William and Flora Hewlett foundation provided us with funds to investigate sharing educational resources and more open approaches
Definition of OER: “ The open provision of educational resources, enabled by information and communication technologies, for consultation, use and adaptation by a community of users for non-commercial purposes.”See  all the slides from the keynote here- http://www.slideshare.net/CdeLondon/ride-talk-josie-taylors-version

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From: CDE <cde@london.ac.uk>
Date: 2 November 2010 16:10
Subject: Research in Distance Education conference
To: CDE <cde@london.ac.uk>

Dear Colleague,


The Research in Distance Education 2010 conference took place last week and was a great success, with some fascinating speakers and lively discussion around the title of Research in Distance Education: Impact on practice, and the three strand themes: Design for Learning, Supporting Teaching and Learning, and Assessment. 


Thanks must go out to the keynotes, speakers and strand presenters for their involvement during the day, to the strand leaders for facilitating the parallel sessions, and, of course, everyone who attended for helping to make a success of the event.   


There are several post-conference links below for those of you who were able to attend, anyone who missed particular sessions they were interested in, and the few people who unfortunately could not make it:


·         If you attended some or all of the conference we’d be grateful if you could take five minutes to give us some feedback to help us improve things for next year: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RIDE2010

·         All the presentations slides from the day can be viewed here: http://www.slideshare.net/CdeLondon

·         Photos from the event can be seen here:

·         Summary reports and conference proceedings will be made available soon. 


Finally, for anyone who did not get the opportunity to pick up an application form for the 2010-11 round of Teaching and Research Awards, which was launched at the conference, a copy of the form is enclosed (please note, this is open to staff of University of London Colleges only).           


Kind regards

Tom Inkelaar 

Centre for Distance Education
University of London International Programmes
Stewart House | 32 Russell Square | London WC1B 5DN | United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7862 8404   

Web: www.londoninternational.ac.uk  



From 1st August 2010, University of London International Programmes is the new name for the programmes from the External System.
See www.londoninternational.ac.uk/renaming for more news about our name. The University of London is an exempt charity in England and Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (Reg.no.SCO41194).