Thanks Pam

I think the original went missing, so here it is again:

iHub Nairobi - May 24, 2010

Participatory Design Workshop in Mobile Learning for Development

This workshop is designed for application developers, educators, social activists and researchers interested in the design and use of mobile activities to support learning in developing regions. The workshop has been designed for those at the beginner and intermediate levels working in a range of learning contexts.

The workshop will provide:

• An introduction to critical issues in mobile learning 
• Discussion of common problems participants believe the use of mobile devices will help address  
• Techniques for developing scenarios on the use of mobile devices for learning 
• Production a set of mobile resources, captured online for use by participants in their everyday practice 

The workshop will be facilitated by Niall Winters and Yishay Mor from the London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, University of London.

On 3 May 2010 23:55, Pamela McLean <> wrote:
Hi Everyone

If anyone is going to be in Nairobi on May 24th then please consider joining  Niall Winters and Yishay Mor from the London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, University of London for their free "Participatory Design Workshop in Mobile Learning for Development". If you think of anyone else who should know about it please pass on the details. (Ken - would James or any of the other acrobats be interested and available do you think? I don't have his email.) I have not sent this to Tom because of his recent bereavement, but perhaps someone may like to mention it to him at a more appropriate time.

I will copy background information about it below in reverse date order

  • Yishay's warm invitation to you
  • Some questions I asked
  • Original email from Yishay
Please also note his request for advice on cheap, decent accommodation in Nairobi. Any suggestions?


Yishay's warm invitation:

H Pam -

Thanks for your questions, and the opportunity to clarify:
1. the workshop is free!
2. it is very light on theory and heavy on practice.
3. it evolves around participants' experiences and is driven by their agendas.
(pretty much like the workshop you attended, but with even stronger focus on practice)

So the answer is YES - please forward to your contacts. We would very much like to see them with us. Personaly, I would like to hear about their experience and how it can inform

We're taking advantage of a stop-over on our way to Zambia, and the iHub's generousity, which is how we can run this for free. (btw, any advice on cheap, decent accomodation in Nirobi?). Unfortunatly, that means we'll only be there for the day. The only chance we have of meeting people outside of the workshop is the evening after it ends.


- Yishay
Some questions I asked

Hi Yishay

I'm responding to the words - "Participatory, Mobile Learning, Development, social activists, Nairobi, and May 2010"

I'm responding because I think of you as "one of the good guys" when it comes to wanting research to be relevant, and being interested in bridging the gap between academia and practice.

I connect with a lot of social activists in Kenya, many of whom are interested in learning and new opportunities for learning (for themselves and/or their communities) - and they are great mobile phone users. You may be aware of how they used phones to work together during the post election violence in Kenya:

I believe you could learn a lot about on-the-ground realities from people in this network, and that their knowledge and insights would be helpful to you. I wonder if you will be around long enough to meet any of them. If so I will put the word out and see if anyone will be around in Nairobi during your visit. 

I am undecided about sharing news of your workshop with any of my Kenyan contacts at this stage. I imagine your workshop is too expensive for most of the people I know to attend, and anyhow I imagine it is probably too theoretical, research orientated, and embedded in the formal educational system to be relevant to their needs and interests. (Obviously I could be wrong on this - I'm just guessing its range and focus.)

However I do feel there could well be overlapping interests and that your trip could provide the opportunity for some useful exploratory conversations (which could have practical benefit in the long term) if it is not too late to arrange them. Or - on a lighter note - you might just enjoy meeting some of my friends if they are around to add to your  picture of life in Kenya.

Original email from Yishay