Another blog I appreciated and responded to:


Chaotic Ripple - Open Collaboration – The Next Economic Paradigm

I’ve dedicated a lot of research over the last few years to understanding the deep trends that will define the next economy.  As I’ve written elsewhere, the global economy goes through a creative-destructive cycle every 50 years.  And now we’re in the midst of a collapsing paradigm that is soon to be replaced by something new.

In this article, I will explain what the new paradigm is and how it will impact every sector of society — including business, government, education, and basic research.

(More at


Ref – “And now we’re in the midst of a collapsing paradigm that is soon to be replaced by something new. In this article, I will explain what the new paradigm is and how it will impact every sector of society — including business, government, education, and basic research.”

I think I agree with everything you say. I cannot be certain because in this rapidly changing world (and with people coming together from different backgrounds and frames of reference) it is possible to get the wrong idea of what people are actually trying to convey.

Certainly the words you use fit the ideas of “how things really are” that I carry around in my head – and it is very freeing to see them written so clearly.

I’m glad you mention education and basic research as well as economics. (I’ve explained my interest in the relationship between those elsewhere – )
