I'm interested in ways that the Internet is shaping our lives. My main interests are related to emerging non-formal education systems and what it means to be a teacher and/or a learner given the opportunities of the cloud. Inevitably I am also interested in many aspects of knowledge creation and knowledge sharing - such as the Domino Project. Details below


Unleashing The Domino Project - http://www.thedominoproject.com/2011/02/unleashing-the-domino-project.html

February 24, 2011
by Alex Miles Younger

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The digital revolution is unleashing creativity all around us. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection. To quote Seth: “This is the best shot you’ve got.”

Not everyone believes the ease of entry is good for us. Does allowing everyone equal footing on the playing field result in better art, film, music, and literature? What if this flood of new content is just drowning the true talent? Are we democratizing our culture or just promoting widespread mediocrity?

I’m new to the debate, and I’ve got a lot to learn. So I absorb as many smart, contrary opinions as I can. Next on my list of things to consume: PressPausePlay, a movie about hope, fear, and digital culture.

The film’s creators just released this (gorgeous) sneak peak which highlights Seth’s story about writing Unleashing the Ideavirus and how ideas that spread win.

We’re very excited about the launch of PressPausePlay and would like to say a big thank you to the very smart Swedes at House of Radon for taking a compelling look at how the digital revolution is unleashing creativity all around us. These are clearly artists who get it.